It’s time to Celebrate and say THANK YOU to everyone who is joining me here today! Today I launch my new website, my blog and will begin to share my new adventures that await. It has been a lot of waiting to get ready to get ready to get ready to get ready…well you get the idea! It’s been a journey I feel many others find themselves in when perfection and wanting everything to BE JUST RIGHT, kept holding me back, yet at what cost? How do we get out of this frame of thinking to really live into the vision we have? What holds us back from being ready? Is it within us, our environment? What’s missing? Do I have everything I need? The list can go on and on.

It’s time to “Kick Up Some Dust”. Is everything perfect and as I originally wanted it to be? Far from it! Yet through all this support I was challenged to realize I need to get out of my own way to move forward. Interesting concept isn’t it? Let’s see, ”Get Out of My Own Way” …wow… To have the courage to share a vision with those you trust and surround yourself with people that will hold you accountable to live into that vision allowed me to stretch and explore endless possibilities for my future. Looking back is that my best moments in life, my career and in sports, has come from unexpected and mostly times of unplanned events. To let go so I could experience growth through change and new adventures. This allowed me to let go and experience those special times.

Moving forward I want my future to be:
- A collection of unplanned special moments
- A connection to my coach, colleagues, family, old friends and connecting with new friends
- A place of curiosity to learn more, to grow more and accept how little I do know
- A place to dream openly about “What is Possible”
- A place to have conversations that enhance the world
- A place to share the fun, excitement and joy of others dreams I invite you to play in the sandbox and “KICK UP SOME DUST”, and explore how truly wonderful our life can be!
- Marc Bowles